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About Us

Edgelands, contemporary art, art gifts, handmade gifts,  island art, fine art, coastal art, nature art, heritage craft, Indigenous art, Inuit Art, First Nations Art, Aboriginal Art, island artist, ceramics, pottery, exclusive jewellery, statement jewellery, handmade jewellery, limited edition prints, printmaking, framed prints, drawings, biodiversity, regenerative farming, west coast scotland, celtic art, gaelic art, explore kintyre, visit Gigha, alba art, Isle of Gigha, Edgelands Art Gallery & cultural centre, community garden, cultural space, Scotland art gallery.
Edgelands, contemporary art, art gifts, handmade gifts,  island art, fine art, coastal art, nature art, heritage craft, Indigenous art, Inuit Art, First Nations Art, Aboriginal Art, island artist, ceramics, pottery, exclusive jewellery, statement jewellery, handmade jewellery, limited edition prints, printmaking, framed prints, drawings, biodiversity, regenerative farming, west coast scotland, celtic art, gaelic art, explore kintyre, visit Gigha, alba art, Isle of Gigha, Edgelands Art Gallery & cultural centre, community garden, cultural space, Scotland art gallery.

​​​From tropical sands, to the ice flows of the Northern Arctic, Edgelands is an art gallery and cultural space that creates opportunities to explore the more-than-human worlds in the midst of island and coastal landscapes, through the work of extraordinary artists, designers and makers from across the globe.


As human beings we are entangled, by nature, in the lifeways of plants, animals, micro-organisms, natural and supernatural phenomena. In the edgelands that form between human settlements and sea, between land and ocean, how might we cultivate attentive, caring and lively responses to their lifeways that enable diversity and difference to flourish? 


At Edgelands, our community of artists share in a common care for the ongoing vitality of island/coastal ecosystems and cultural heritages. While our collection offers insight into the unique perspectives of our artists and the landscapes of their homelands, our island-made products and environmental projects invite you to deepen your appreciation, care and understanding of island biodiversity and islander traditions.   


As we follow the rhythm of the seasons, join us for unique cultural experiences in the wilds of our home island, Gigha. 


Fáilte gu  


Edgelands, contemporary art, art gifts, handmade gifts,  island art, fine art, coastal art, nature art, heritage craft, Indigenous art, Inuit Art, First Nations Art, Aboriginal Art, island artist, ceramics, pottery, exclusive jewellery, statement jewellery, handmade jewellery, limited edition prints, printmaking, framed prints, drawings, biodiversity, regenerative farming, west coast scotland, celtic art, gaelic art, explore kintyre, visit Gigha, alba art, Isle of Gigha, Edgelands Art Gallery & cultural centre, community garden, cultural space, Scotland art gallery.

Fighe cairdeas fìor

The protection of and care for Earth’s biodiversity is a sacred responsibility that weaves its way through the heart of Edgelands. It is a vital part of our cultural identity, heritage and traditions. Care is a practice, a life-sustaining activity, and an everyday responsibility. At Edgelands, we seek to grow and develop our practices of care through every aspect of our business as we learn and grow in community with others.

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Nì sinn ceangail, thuid sinn an sàs. Cuiridh e chùl. Gabhaidh sinn anail; nì sinn tadhal. Nì sinn ruith, nì sinn reub. Am fairich thu mi? An cluinn thu mi? Dè ruid a chaill mi? Dè tha ruid tha dhìth orm? A thairring thusa thugam? Caomhneas na buaille? Togaidh mi tuireadh, Tabhartas dealbhach, dòrainnach tuigseach. Nì sinn cruinnichadh. Nì sinn ceangail. Caomhneas ar buaille. Sealladh-tìr annasach. Tha sinn traing aon a chèile air  cruaichainn cruinn. Beul bòidheach faisg ri chèile. Anns an tìr feur muirineach far an cluinn sinn tonn na mara Gaineamhadh cluich air an tràigh freumhan-ròs sùathadh clach. Chaidh do thogail le càrn. Fighe cairdeas cloich air cloich.Tionndaidh clachan ‘son muinntir beò.Cait’ a bheil thu air an tràigh? ‘san ortsa tha mi frithealadh. Achadh sèimh, air a’ oir.

Our Founder

Amy Wilson is an artist, environmental educator and poet with over 18 years of experience in the UK, Europe and Canada. Her artistic practice is deployed through interdiciplinary collaborative projects that combine sculture, horticulture, installation art and performance. Her reseach practice currently explores the ways in which practices of care and making can meet across species and island landscapes.  


Her most recent work was based on the unceded, ancestral territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh and səlilwətaɬ Nations where she representing over 400 Indigenous artists and designers from across British Columbia through her work with one of Canada's leading art galleries specialising in First Nations art.


Amy is currently based on the historic farmland site of North Ardminish on the Isle of Gigha in Scotland where she is the Managing Director of Edgelands Enterprises Ltd. a new start-up established in 2024 with the support of the Prince's Trust.

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